PUNYA SH JANGAN GANGGU TOD! Stepping Stone | About

About the InitiativeStepping Stones For a Hepatitis Free World

The Stepping Stones towards a Hepatitis free world project will test the effectiveness of peer-group based, community wide, hepatitis awareness program by empowering students and people living with Hepatitis B/ C infection (PLHB/C). Six Eastern and North Eastern states of India are selected for this 12 month project. The target groups will be empowered through digital training, peer group formation, government linkage and local community advocacy. The project learning will be communicated through digital platforms, local media and meetings.

Liver Foundation, West Bengal

Liver Foundation, West Bengal - LFWB is a not-for profit organization working in Public health and broad human development areas since 2006. It was conceptualized by clinicians, researchers, activists and academicians who felt the need of raising awareness regarding liver and gastrointestinal health in the rural and urban communities. In the last 15 years LFWB has devoted itself in community health awareness, clinical and public health research, healthcare-related infrastructure and skill development, and social support. It has been a Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) recognized Scientific and Industrial Organization (SIRO)

For past 13 years LFWB has been raising awareness at micro-community levels regarding hepatitis prevention, hepatitis management and stigma eradication. Since 2012, LFWB has created and supported Hepatitis Patients’ Forum (HPF) for the people living with hepatitis B and C virus infection. The forum, first of its kind in India, provides a platform for the members to exchange thoughts and create a support groups.

LFWB has published peer reviewed articles on clinical and public health aspects of Hepatitis & liver health. From 2019, LFWB has been continuously working with NVHCP chapter of West Bengal. Under the Department of Health and Family Welfare, GoWB.


  1. To spread awareness on Viral Hepatitis infection, prevention and management amongst the youth and the people living with chronic hepatitis infection using interactive online platforms for rapid scaling up of awareness program.
  2. To create sustainable peer groups of people living with chronic hepatitis infection and youth. Utilize the empowered peer groups for conducting grass-root awareness campaigns.
  3. Link the Community Based Organizations, Hepatitis Patients’ groups and government programs at the state and block levels.

The Plan

Expected Outcomes

  1. Empowered set of young adults and PLHB/Cs who understand the scientific context of Hepatitis prevention and management.
  2. Hepatitis management information available in local languages and dialects that can be readily disseminated using peer-to-peer or social media platforms.
  3. Empowered PLHB/C communities with information available to connect them with government and non-government resource nodes for management of the infection.
  4. Aware local groups like, student groups, self-help groups (SHG), Auxiliary Nurse & Midwife (ANM), Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHA) and Mahila Arogya Samity (MAS) and informal healthcare providers (IP), who can increase the testing rates and management of viral hepatitis in the community.

Project Lead

Chief Mentor

Think Tank

The Team